preparation Before Asanas
PREPARATION BEFORE ASANAS (posture) There are certain medical condition , which make it inadvisable to do the inver…
July 22, 2009PREPARATION BEFORE ASANAS (posture) There are certain medical condition , which make it inadvisable to do the inver…
rajesh July 22, 2009EXTENDED SIDE ANGLE POSE (utthita parsvakonasana) Benefits Strengthens ankles, knees, thighs and hips • Stretch…
rajesh July 22, 2009When they hear the word 'yoga', the mental image that comes to mind for many people is one of a skinny man i…
rajesh July 21, 2009CAT POSE (marjariasana) Benefits • Increases mobility of vertebrae and releases tension in the cervical, thoracic, and …
rajesh July 20, 2009WARRIOR POSE I (virabhadrasana I) Benefits • Strengthens the ankles, thighs, arms, shoulders and muscles of the ba…
rajesh July 20, 2009WARRIOR POSE II (Virabhadrasana II) Benefits • Stretches the groins, thighs, and ankles • Expands the chest, lung…
rajesh July 20, 2009WARRIOR POSE III (virabhadrasana III) Benefits • Strengthens legs, back, shoulders and arms • Stretches hamstrings…
rajesh July 20, 2009COBRA POSE (bhujangasana) Benefits • Strengthens back muscles and arms • Increases flexibility of spine • Stretches che…
rajesh July 20, 2009EASY POSE (sukhasana) Benefits • Lengthens the spine • Open the hips • Promotes inner grounding and calm • Amplifies th…
rajesh July 20, 2009HEAD TO KNEE POSE (janu sirsasana) Benefits • Stretches the spine, back muscles, hamstrings, and groins …
rajesh July 20, 2009PLOW POSE (halasana) Benefits • Improves digestion • Stretches the shoulders and improves flexibility of spine • Calms …
rajesh July 20, 2009BOAT POSE (navasana) Benefits • Strengthens thighs, hips and abdominal muscles • Improves digestion • Develops focus an…
rajesh July 20, 2009DOWNWARD FACING DOG (adho mukha svanasana) Benefits • elongates and releases tension from the spine • stretches the ham…
rajesh July 20, 2009CORPSE POSE (savasana) Benefits • Helps relieve stress • Relaxes body • Decreases beta brain waves and shifts to slower…
rajesh July 20, 2009SHOULDER STAND (salamba sarvangasana) Benefits 1. Calms the brain, nervous system and helps relieve stress 2. Improves …
rajesh July 20, 2009TWO KNEE SPINAL TWIST Benefits • Improves digestion • Encourages movement in the spine and vertebrae • Massages, stretc…
rajesh July 20, 2009TREE POSE (vrksasana) Benefits • Strengthens foot muscles, calves, thighs, core and posture • Stretches groin, inner th…
rajesh July 20, 2009THUNDERBOLT POSE (vajrasana) Benefits • Good posture for meditation and centering • Conditions pelvic muscles and bring…
rajesh July 20, 2009Pregnancy is an amazing time when your mind and body goes through huge changes. Whether it’s your first pregnancy or yo…
rajesh July 20, 2009EAGLE POSE (garudasana) Benefits • Develops focus and concentration • Improves balance and coordination • Stretches ank…
rajesh July 20, 2009CAMEL POSE (ustrasana) Benefits • Stretches the neck, chest, abdomen, thighs, hip flexors (psoas), groins, and the ankl…
rajesh July 20, 2009RECLINING BOUND ANGLE POSE (supta baddha konasana) Benefits • Relaxes the mind and the central nervous system • Helps r…
rajesh July 20, 2009Benefits • Strengthens feet, ankles and thighs • Strengthens and tones abdominal muscles • Develops correct postu…
rajesh July 20, 2009BRIDGE POSE (setu bandhasa Benefits • Stretches the chest, neck, spine and hips • Strengthens back muscles, buttocks, a…
rajesh July 20, 2009Human ingenuity seeks different avenues for mitigation of stress. These are partially due to habits and partially due t…
rajesh July 20, 2009Stress affects all aspects of our entire personality. Though we have given below the affects separately, they affect al…
rajesh July 20, 2009The yogis consider that we are all searching for happiness and that this is everybody’s main goal. It’s just that most …
rajesh July 16, 2009Sitting posture is recommended for pranayama, in this the body is held erect, allowing free movement of all the parts a…
rajesh July 15, 2009getting started with prenatal yoga You might think, like many people today, that you need special equipment to start do…
rajesh July 13, 2009