CORPSE POSE (savasana)
• Helps relieve stress
• Relaxes body
• Decreases beta brain waves and shifts to slower brain waves
• Relaxes central nervous system and calms the mind
• Reduces insomnia/improves sleep
• Reduces headache and fatigue
• Helps relieve depression
• lower back problems or back injury
• Pregnancy (after 3 months) take fetal position instead
Step by Step
Savasana (shah-VAHS-anna)
sava = corpse
1. Lying on the back, lift your pelvis and slide your tailbone away to comfortably spread your lower back. Keep just a light, natural arch to the lower back. Rest your pelvis on the ground. Lengthen your legs, opening legs hip width apart. Let the legs and feet evenly and naturally roll outwards and feel your groin soften
2. Lift arms and shoulders up enough to spread the shoulder blades and back ribs. Ease shoulders away from the neck. Then rest your arms beside the torso at about a 45-degree angle. Place your palms up to encourage the chest and shoulders to open. Imagine your collarbone and chest spreading as your arms settle
3. Lengthen the back of your neck by slightly moving the chin towards the chest. Once comfortable, take a slow deep inhale. As you exhale let your body relax and sink into the floor. Maintain stillness as you relax and quiet the mind. Picture your whole body rejuvenating and resting. Feel your eyes relax into the sockets. Soften the tongue, lips, jaw and forehead. Let the heart, lungs, and other organs relax
4. Continue to gaze inwards watching the body and mind rest. Relaxation can last from 5 to 20 minutes. To exit the pose, inhale bringing legs into the chest and exhale gradually hugging your knees into the body and rocking side to side several times. End by rolling to the right, pausing to feel your self mentally centred. Push with the right hand up to sitting. Take a moment to sit tall and feel the calmness Savasana has created
• If lying with lengthened legs causes discomfort in your lower back, rest with the knees more bent by placing a pillow or bolster under the knees
• Place a thin pillow under the head to slightly elevate the skull to help elongate the neck. Note: keep a natural posture in the neck, therefore the head should not be too high
• Cover your body with a blanket to stay warm