CHILD'S POSE (balasana)
• Gently stretches lower back, hips, thighs, knees, ankles
• Relaxes spine, shoulders, neck
• Increases blood circulation to the head reducing headaches
• Massages internal organs
• Calms the mind (central nervous system) and helps relieve stress and tension
• Knee injuries or problems like cartilage/ligament tears
• Ankle problems
• Avoid for those with high blood pressure, eye or ear infections
• Pregnancy
• Diarrhea
Step by Step
Balasana (bah-LAHS-anna)
bala = child
1. From kneeling on hands and knees, release toes on the floor, separate knees about hip width apart
2. As you exhale, slowly lower buttocks towards the heels feeling the tailbone lengthen away from the back of the pelvis. As your torso folds over the thighs, lengthen the back of your neck before your forehead rests on the floor. Lay your arms by the thighs with palms facing up and feel how the weight of your shoulders lightly spreads the shoulder blades
3. Take several slow breaths into the belly and lower back as you rest here. As you exit, inhale and lengthen the torso forward over the thighs and rise up as the tailbone presses down into the pelvis and towards the heels
• Place forehead on a fist or cushion if head does not easily rest on the floor
• Leave arms forwards about shoulder width apart if head can rest on floor, but neck is not comfortable or buttocks are high from the heels
• Place a cushion between the buttocks and heels if the stretch across the knees is too deep
• Place a thin cushion or rolled up towel under ankles if the stretch is too deep for the ankle joint or if the foot muscles are cramping