EAGLE POSE (garudasana)
• Develops focus and concentration
• Improves balance and coordination
• Stretches ankles, calves and hips
• Stretches arms, shoulders and upper back
• Strengthens thighs, ankles and calves
• Headache
• Low blood pressure
• Medical conditions that affect balanceKnee injuries (avoid full version of foot behind calf, only cross one leg over the other)
• Late term pregnancy and obesity (issues with balancing)
Step by Step
Garudasana (gah-rue-DAHS-anna)
Garuda = mythic king of the birds (vehicle of Vishnu) / eagle
1. Standing in Tadasana (Mountain Pose), place feet parallel and hip width apart. Extend the spine tall and fix your gaze forward at a focal point. Contract core muscles as you shift your weight into your right foot. Slightly bend your knees. As you inhale raise your right foot and cross your right leg over your left thigh. Balance on your left foot keeping your left knee from traveling too far forward over the toes. If the right hip and knee feel at ease, wrap the right toes around the back of the right lower calf. Keep the left knee slightly bent. Maintain steadiness with the contraction of core muscles
2. Focus your gaze (drishti) on a focal point in front of you and breath. Raise your arms parallel to the floor. Place your left elbow on the inside of the right elbow. Bend the elbows so the forearms are perpendicular to the floor. If the elbows feel at ease, turn the palms outwards and continue crossing the forearms so the palms come together. Lightly reach the elbows forward to spread the back of the shoulders and upper back. Lightly press the pad of the right thumb against the left hand to further the twist
3. Hold for several breaths. Slowly unwind the limbs and come back into Tadasana. Repeat on the other side reversing arm and leg positions
• For easier balance, place one hand on a wall
• For less hip stretch, don’t wrap toes around the calf, instead press right big toe on the ground as the legs cross
• For deeper version, slowly bend forward resting right elbow on right knee