DOWNWARD FACING DOG (adho mukha svanasana)
• elongates and releases tension from the spine
• stretches the hamstrings, calves, arches, and hands
• strengthens the arms, shoulders, and back
• improves mobility of digestive system
• mild inversion that calms the nervous system and helps relieve stress
• relieves back pain, headaches, insomnia, and fatigue
• helps relieve the symptoms of menopause
• wrist problems like carpal tunnel syndrome or arthritis
• high blood pressure
• eye or inner ear infection
• avoid this pose in late-term pregnancy
Step by Step
Adho Mukha Svanasana (AH-doh MOO-kah shvah-NAHS-anna)
adho = downward
mukha = face
svana = dog
1. Come onto hands and knees with palms just forward of the shoulders, fingers spread (index finger forward), knees under hips, and tucked toes
2. Inhale and lift knees away from the floor as sit-bones reach towards the ceiling. At first, keep the knees slightly bent and the heels lifted away from the floor
3. Then exhale and elongate up through the tailbone moving abdomen towards the thighs. Arms lengthen moving body weight towards the heels. Heels lower and legs lengthen without strain to the hamstrings or pull on the pelvis. Roll the upper thighs inward slightly and roll the heels outward slightly
4. Keep light pressure into the bases of the index fingers. Widen the shoulder blades and feel them move towards the tailbone. Keep a long neck with the head comfortably in line with the arms. Feel no locking in the elbow and knee joints
5. Emphasize length in the spine as you keep even weight on hands and feet. For beginners, slight softness can be kept in the knees, and the heels do not have to touch the floor
6. Breathe for several breaths, then exit to new pose or rest
• Ease pressure on the wrists by placing a wedge under palms or performing pose on elbows
• Elevate hands on blocks or on the seat of a chair to release and open shoulders