COBRA POSE (bhujangasana)
• Strengthens back muscles and arms
• Increases flexibility of spine
• Stretches chest, shoulders, lungs, abdomen
• Stretches and massages internal organs
• Firms buttocks
• Lower back problems
• Arthritis in spine or wrists
• Carpal tunnel syndrome
• Pregnancy
• Internal organ surgery
Step by Step
Bhujangasana (boo-jang-GAHS-anna)
bhujanga = snake, serpent
1. Begin lying prone (on the belly). Place your palms under the shoulders with elbows tucking in close to the torso. Lengthen legs with the top of the feet pressing down into the mat
2. Activate thigh muscles as you press your pubic bone downwards. Image your tall bone tucking under as your abdomen lightly contracts and supports the spine
3. As you inhale, slowly press into the hands to lengthen the arms sending the chest lightly forward and up. Continue to draw the tailbone under as the pubic bone moves towards the navel. Use the pelvic tilt to maintain openness in the lower spine as you arch. Only rise to the point where the pubic bone remains on the ground and no pressure is felt in the lower back
4. Pull shoulder blades back and down without being hard in the back muscles. Tuck elbows in close to the ribcage keeping elbows slightly bent. Encourage the back muscles to work and not just the arms. Lift eyes and chin keeping comfortable space through the back of the neck
5. Hold the pose for 10-30 seconds breathing with ease. Complete with one last inhale and then slowly exhale bringing head and chest down and forward. Feel a final elongation of the spine at the end by pulling the torso forward with your hands. Inhale and lift up to your hands and knees. Exhale and rest back into Child Pose
• Rest with elbows on the floor under the shoulders for less work in the lower back muscles
• Beginners may want to rise into the arch less and hold for only 2-3 breaths