TREE POSE (vrksasana)
Benefits• Strengthens foot muscles, calves, thighs, core and posture
• Stretches groin, inner thighs and shoulders
• Calms and relaxes the mind (central nervous system)
• Develops balance and mind-body awareness
Contra-indications• Headache
• Insomnia
• Medical conditions that affect balance
• Late term pregnancy and obesity (issues with balancing)
• High blood pressure: Don't raise arms overhead
• Low blood pressure
Step by Step
Vrksasana (vrik-SHAHS-anna)
vrksa = tree
1. Standing in Mountain Pose, place your feet parallel and hip width apart. Extend the spine tall and fix your gaze forward at a focal point. Contract your core muscles as you shift your weight to your right foot. As you inhale raise your left foot and place the sole of your left foot on your ankle, calf, mid thigh, or upper thigh with the toes pointing down
2. Keep your gaze (drishti) at one point as you breath. Feel that your left knee is comfortably pointing out to the side. The centre of your pelvis should not fall to the right. Gently press the left foot into the right leg as the outer right leg resists. Visualize keeping the hip points and shoulders level with the ground by engaging the right outer hip muscles and pressing lightly into the right big toe mound. Feel an energetic connection rising from the medial (inner) arch of the right foot upwards to the inner groin line. Keep light contraction in the core muscles to keep the abdomen from falling forward
3. Place palms in nameste at the heart. As you inhale, slowly raise the arms overhead with hands still in nameste. Keep the shoulder blades from rising to avoid tension in the neck. Continue to press the right foot lightly into the ground as the crown of the head lifts. Stay for several breaths
4. To come out of the pose, exhale and slowly lower palms to heart and softly place left foot on the floor into Mountain Pose. Pause to shake the right foot and repeat other side
Modifications• If balancing is difficult, place a finger on a wall for support or keep the left toes touching the floor as the left heel rests against the right ankle
• Roll up loose leggings if the foot slides down the support leg