Vajar Asana: Vajra means lighting. A sitting posture in which the thighs are arranged in the form of a vajra. Sit between the heels not on them as Muslim’s sit for their Namaz prayers.
Tada Asans: Tada means mountain, Stand straight joining your feet, tighten your knees, big toes touching each other. Extend your arms down wards with palms facing your thighs. Look straight ahead and inhale exhale normally.
Urdhwa Prasarita Padma Asana: Urdhva means raised upward, Prasarita means stretched out and Pada means foot. Lie on your back stretch your arms overhead, raise your legs 300 off the floor, pause and finally bring legs to 900, perpendicular to the floor. Then bring down legs on the floor slowly, this asana strengthens the organs of the abdomen and trims the waist.
Faulty Functioning of Overies:
Amenorrhoea (stoppage of menstrual flow) comprises scanty discharge of menstrual blood may be due to anaemia, general ill-health, certain grave diseases like TB, Bright’s, disease or aggravated dyspepsia, prolonged malaria and usually due to imperfect development of ovaries. Menorrhagia (excessive discharge of blood from womb during the monthly periods) which has symptoms of giddiness, constant headaches, pain in the calves and restlessness. The disorder may be due to the imbalance of the hormones, abnormal growths in the uterus causes irregular menstruation. If the condition is neglected, it may lead to severe type of anaemia. Metrorrhagia has excessive bleeding from the uterus from onset of the puberty or any age. A wonderful remedy for these menstrual conditions is Amla. Dry Amls should be soaked in juice of green Amla for atleast 72 hours and then ground into powder, which is taken with cow’s milk, which cures the condition. Recommended yogic postures: Paranayama, Baddha Konasana, Dhanur Asana, Halasana, Mal Asana, Sarvang Asana and Sirsh Asana
Dysmenorrhoea is a sense of wakness and pain (in the groin also) precedes the menstrual flow -is sign of irritation in the ovaries usually caused by inflammation of internal organs like womb, the ovaries or the fallopian tubes. Recommended Yoga Asana include Tikona Asana, Vajroli Mudra, Ushtra Asana, Mal Asana and Gomukh Asana.
Delayed Mestruation is the trouble seen in teenagers. Sometimes, the gap between the periods is as long as two months or more. Anaemia can lead to delayed periods. Sometimes, menses does not occur for many mouths at a stretch. Deal with the anaemia first. Eat leafy vegetables and fruit but avoid eating refined flour products. Sugar and milled rice as far as possible. Hot and cold hip baths can help. Yogic postures to relieve delayed menstruations include Badha Konasana, Karna-Pida Asana, Matsya Asana, Matsya Asana, Salambha Sirsh Asana, Supta-Vajra Asana and Halasana.yoga posture for whole body
Vajar Asana: Vajra means lighting. A sitting posture in which the thighs are arranged in the form of a vajra. Sit between the heels not on them as Muslim’s sit for their Namaz prayers.
Tada Asans: Tada means mountain, Stand straight joining your feet, tighten your knees, big toes touching each other. Extend your arms down wards with palms facing your thighs. Look straight ahead and inhale exhale normally.
Urdhwa Prasarita Padma Asana: Urdhva means raised upward, Prasarita means stretched out and Pada means foot. Lie on your back stretch your arms overhead, raise your legs 300 off the floor, pause and finally bring legs to 900, perpendicular to the floor. Then bring down legs on the floor slowly, this asana strengthens the organs of the abdomen and trims the waist.
Faulty Functioning of Overies:
Amenorrhoea (stoppage of menstrual flow) comprises scanty discharge of menstrual blood may be due to anaemia, general ill-health, certain grave diseases like TB, Bright’s, disease or aggravated dyspepsia, prolonged malaria and usually due to imperfect development of ovaries. Menorrhagia (excessive discharge of blood from womb during the monthly periods) which has symptoms of giddiness, constant headaches, pain in the calves and restlessness. The disorder may be due to the imbalance of the hormones, abnormal growths in the uterus causes irregular menstruation. If the condition is neglected, it may lead to severe type of anaemia. Metrorrhagia has excessive bleeding from the uterus from onset of the puberty or any age. A wonderful remedy for these menstrual conditions is Amla. Dry Amls should be soaked in juice of green Amla for atleast 72 hours and then ground into powder, which is taken with cow’s milk, which cures the condition. Recommended yogic postures: Paranayama, Baddha Konasana, Dhanur Asana, Halasana, Mal Asana, Sarvang Asana and Sirsh Asana
Dysmenorrhoea is a sense of wakness and pain (in the groin also) precedes the menstrual flow -is sign of irritation in the ovaries usually caused by inflammation of internal organs like womb, the ovaries or the fallopian tubes. Recommended Yoga Asana include Tikona Asana, Vajroli Mudra, Ushtra Asana, Mal Asana and Gomukh Asana.
Delayed Mestruation is the trouble seen in teenagers. Sometimes, the gap between the periods is as long as two months or more. Anaemia can lead to delayed periods. Sometimes, menses does not occur for many mouths at a stretch. Deal with the anaemia first. Eat leafy vegetables and fruit but avoid eating refined flour products. Sugar and milled rice as far as possible. Hot and cold hip baths can help. Yogic postures to relieve delayed menstruations include Badha Konasana, Karna-Pida Asana, Matsya Asana, Matsya Asana, Salambha Sirsh Asana, Supta-Vajra Asana and Halasana.yoga posture for whole body