yoga for NAILS
February 22, 2023
Nails is external structures of the skin that develop from cells within the epidermis and protrude to cover the ends of the fingers and toes as hardened plates. Nails do not have a growth cycle like hair. They grow continuously throughout life starting from the third month of foetal development. Nails grow approximately 4cms per year, growing faster in the summer than in winter. The structure of nail include Germinal matrix –the root of the nail which will eventually produce a nail, Lunula –a half moon shape nail plate at the base of the nail, Nail plate –which consists of three layers of clear cells (The nail plate itself is dead and does not bleed or hurt when cut, just like hair), nail bed –lies directly below the nail plate, Nail cuticle –which surrounds the nail plate and protection the nail bed, Nail grooves –which guide up the fingers and toes, Nail wall –the skin which covers the sides of the nail late and protect the grooves and Nail mantle –the skin lying above the germinal matrix.
Conditions affecting the nail:
Agnail: also known as hangnail. The skin around the nail becomes loose.
Eggshell nails: very thin nails resulting from defective circulation to the germinal matrix.
Furrows: ridges in the nail plate that may run transversely.
Ingrowing nail (Onechocryptosis): nails grow into the nail will piercing the skin. The infection affects the toes more than fingers.
Koiloncychia (Spoon shaped nails): are due to iron deficiency.
Leuconcyhia: white spots on the nail plate.
Onychia: infection of nail-fold causing inflammation.
Onychocryptosis: ingrowing nails.
Onycholysis: separation of nail plate associated with dry nails.
Onchorrhexis: longitudinal splitting of the nail plate associated with dry nails
Onychotillomania: picking of the cuticle or the nail resulting in ragged and inflamed nails with permanent damage to cuticles.
Oncyhotrophia –thinning of nails.
Basic factors for balance: The skin, hair and nails benefit from drinking fluid. Drink as much water as you can at room temperature to aid digestion. Vitamin A, C and E are essential natural anti oxidants which provide protection to skin, hair and nails. Take rich, balanced diet and fresh vegetables and fruits which will contribute to clear skin, shiny hair and healthy nails. Rest is equally important for skin cells. An adult needs 6-8 hours of quality sleep in every 24hors. Rest allows the body and so the skin to replenish and regenerate efficiently. Physical activity and yoga exercises stimulate the circulation ensuring an active blood supply to the skin. Cleansing, exfoliating, stimulation, toning, applying masks for nourishing moisturizing are important skin care routines.