CAT POSE (marjariasana)
• Increases mobility of vertebrae and releases tension in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine
• Strengthens and tones the arms and abdominal muscles
• Stretches back muscles and abdominal muscles as well as the neck
• Increases circulation of spinal fluid and massages digestive organs
• Teaches correct pelvic movements for forward bends and back bends
• Knee problems
• Chronic or recent back pain, injury or surgery
• Chromic or recent wrist pain or injury
• Chronic or recent neck pain or injury
Step by Step
Majariasana (mar-jar-ee-ah-sanna)
*Majariasana is a moving posture that combines back arches and forward bends.
1. From kneeling on hands and knees, place the hands shoulder-width apart and the knees hip-width apart on the floor. Align the hands directly under the shoulders and knees directly under the hips. Have your fingers fully spread with the middle fingers pointing straight ahead. Make your back horizontal and flat. Gaze at the floor. Feel how this is your "neutral" positioning where the back and front of the body feel equally long. Then, tuck the toes under to stretch the bottom of the feet and to increase the flexibility of the toes
2. As you exhale, slowly press into the hands as you contract the abdominal muscles up towards your spine. Lift and round your spine to the ceiling as you tuck your tailbone under and bring the chin towards the chest. At the top of the stretch, feel yourself gently pushing up and out of the shoulders
3. As you inhale, relax the abdominal muscles and reverse the tilt of the hips. Lengthen the front of the torso as the gaze looks up to the ceiling and the pubic bone moves backward through the leg. Reach the chest away from the waist and slide the shoulder blades down the back. Feel the sitting bones turn upward. Keep the arms long without locking the elbows and avoid sagging into the shoulders. Open the mouth to free any tension in the front of the neck
4. Continue to flow the spine into these arches coordinating with the same breath work several times. Feel the movement of every vertebra and welcome the growing mobility of the spine with each cycle. Listen to your neck and spine. Never feel yourself overextending and creating pressure in the spine. To exit, inhale to a neutral spine, release the tucked toes and exhale back into Child’s Pose
• If you have wrist discomfort or pain, perform cat with elbows on the floor under the shoulders keeping hands open shoulder-width apart
• If you have neck pain when looking up, allow gaze to only look forward on the inhale phase of the movement
• Place a folded blanket under the knees for cushioning if the knees are sensitive