WARRIOR POSE I (virabhadrasana I)
• Strengthens the ankles, thighs, arms, shoulders and muscles of the back
• Stretches the ankles, hip flexors and abdomen
• Expands the chest, lungs and shoulders
• Stimulates abdominal organs and digestion
• Improves balance, concentration and core awareness
• Develops stamina and endurance in thighs and core muscles
• Medical conditions that affect balance
• High blood pressure
• Heart problems
• Shoulder problems like tendonitis and bursitis (as the arms are raised, keep hands open and arms parallel to avoid compression into the shoulder joint)
• Neck problems (maintain eyes forward and chin parallel to the ground)
Step by Step
Virabhadrasana I (veer-ah-bah-DRAHS-anna)
Virabhadra = the name of the warrior who is an incarnation of Shiva
1. Stand in Tadasana. With an exhalation, step your left foot back 3 1/2 to 4 feet. Align the left heel behind the right heel and then turn the left foot out 45 degrees, keeping the right foot forward. Rotate the hips so both hip points are facing forward and parallel to the front of the mat. Gently root the outer edge of the left foot into the mat as your hips and shoulders rotate forward
2. Inhale and raise your arms perpendicular to the ground keeping arms open shoulder width apart and parallel to each other. Reach through the fingertips as the palms face inwards. Draw the shoulders blades down encouraging the shoulders to move down and away from the neck. Feel as though the shoulder blades lightly hug into the back
3. As you exhale contract the abdominal muscles and tilt the pelvis so the tailbone moves down and under. Slowly bend the right knee placing the knee over the heel. As you continue to breathe, feel the right heel anchoring allowing the toes to lighten and spread. Applying slightly more pressure in the right heel, rather than the toes, will keep the right knee more stable and will minimise force being placed into the knee joint. Continue to draw the tailbone under and towards the pubic bone and feel the bottom front ribs in keeping the abdomen from swaying outward. Picture the pubic bone lifting towards the navel. Keep strengthen the pose by pressing the outer left heel into the floor sending a lifting energy up the left leg into the pelvis through to the arms
4. Stay tall over the pelvis feeling the ribcage (especially the back edge) lift away from the pelvis. Keep your head in a neutral position, gazing forward, or tilt the head back and look comfortably up at your thumbs
5. Breathe slowly and stay for 30 seconds to 1 minute. To exit the pose, exhale to lower the arms and place the hands onto the hips. Inhale as you press firmly into the right heel and step the left leg forward. Exhale to release the hands from the hips and adjust the feet and pelvis into Tadasana. Take a few breaths and then repeat with the other side for the same length of time
Beginners may find it difficult to keep the back heel grounded, therefore move the left foot a few inches to the left so the heels are staggered and not aligned
• If balancing is difficult, or the pose is too deep, decrease the distance between your feet several inches. Ensure that the right knee is still over the heel and not over the toes
• For a deeper variation, move the left heel back a few more inches and bring the right thigh to parallel with the floor. Ensure that the right knee is still over the heel and not over the toes, and keep the tailbone reaching lightly under
• For more challenge, bring the palms together in prayer as the arms are raised. Keep the shoulders from rising and continue to hug the shoulder blades into the back. Lightly press the pinky region of the palms together moving more energy up the arms and creating a subtle external rotation of the arms