WARRIOR POSE II (Virabhadrasana II)
• Stretches the groins, thighs, and ankles
• Expands the chest, lungs and shoulders
• Strengthens the arms, shoulders, ankles, legs
• Stimulates abdominal organs and digestion
• Increases stamina and endurance
• Improves balance, concentration, and core awareness
• Relieves backaches, especially through second trimester of pregnancy
• High blood pressure
• Neck problems: keep head and neck looking forward from the chest rather than over front arm
• Medical conditions that affect balance
• Diarrhea
Step by Step
Virabhadrasana II (veer-ah-bah-DRAHS-anna)
Virabhadra = name of a warrior who is an incarnation of Shiva
1. Stand in Tadasana. As you exhale, step your left foot back 3 1/2 to 4 feet. Align the left heel behind the right heel and then turn the left foot out 90 degrees. Turn the hips out to the left. Firm the thighs feeling the center of the left knee cap move in line with the center of the left ankle
2. Inhale and raise your arms parallel to the floor over the thighs. Widen the shoulder blades as you open chest and collar bones and have the palms facing down. As you exhale, bend the right knee forward over the right heel; the right shin should be perpendicular to the floor (as a guide, you should be able to see the right big toe and inner edge of the right foot). Maintain even grounding through the right foot. Applying slightly more pressure in the right heel rather than the toes will keep the right knee more stable. Draw the tailbone under and towards the pubic bone and feed the bottom front ribs in keeping the abdomen from swaying outward. Strengthen the position by pressing the outer left heel into the floor
3. Continue to stretch the arms away from the shoulders parallel to the floor. Avoid leaning the upper body over the right thigh; stay tall over the pelvis. Focus your gaze over the right arm down the middle finger
4. Breathe slowly and stay for 30 seconds to 1 minute. To exit, inhale and straighten the right leg. Exhale and lower the arms. Reverse the feet facing the other way and repeat for the same length of time for the left leg
If you have difficulty balancing or find the pose to deep, decrease the distance between your feet several inches, ensuring that the right knee is still over the heel and not over the toes
• For a deeper variation move the left heel back a few more inches and bring the right thigh parallel with the floor ensuring that the right knee is still over the heel and not over the toes. Keep the tailbone reaching lightly under