What is Pranyama
Pranayama – control of breath. Breathing is an act in which we inhale air from the atmosphere into lungs, absorbe the oxygen from it into our blood and exhale the air by respiratory system into the atmosphere together with carbon di-oxide and waste vapour. This act of inhalating and exhalating is repeated every four to five seconds.
Normally we breathe about 15 times every minute taking into our lungs about 500ml of air, thus in the process inhale and exhale approximately seven litres of air in a minute. However, we breathe more rapidly when we run, wald uphill, carry load, do physical exercises, at high altitudes and at rarefied atmosphere when breathing becomes heavy. There are certain lung disorders e.g. asthma, tuberculosis, bronchitis which effect the normal breathing process.
see more on video yoga brething for beginners
Pranayama – control of breath. Breathing is an act in which we inhale air from the atmosphere into lungs, absorbe the oxygen from it into our blood and exhale the air by respiratory system into the atmosphere together with carbon di-oxide and waste vapour. This act of inhalating and exhalating is repeated every four to five seconds.
Normally we breathe about 15 times every minute taking into our lungs about 500ml of air, thus in the process inhale and exhale approximately seven litres of air in a minute. However, we breathe more rapidly when we run, wald uphill, carry load, do physical exercises, at high altitudes and at rarefied atmosphere when breathing becomes heavy. There are certain lung disorders e.g. asthma, tuberculosis, bronchitis which effect the normal breathing process.
see more on video yoga brething for beginners