BOAT POSE (navasana)
• Strengthens thighs, hips and abdominal muscles
• Improves digestion
• Develops focus and concentration
• Improves balance and coordination
• Stimulates the kidneys, thyroid and prostate glands
• Headache
• Medical conditions that affect balance
• Low back injuries or concerns
• Late term pregnancy and obesity (issues with balancing)
• Menstruation
• Heart problems
• Low blood pressure
• Diarrhea
Step by Step
Navasana (nah-VAHS-anna)
nava = boat
1. From sitting, place feet and knees together as you bend your knees. As you hold the back of the knees or thighs, lengthen the spine creating space through the low back and abdomen. Lean slightly back without collapsing into the abdomen and find the tripod of the sit bones and tailbone
2. Maintaining your gaze on a focal point, inhale and lift your feet a few inches off the ground balancing on the sit bones and base of the tailbone. Continue to breath as you discover your balance. Keeping the spine tall, slowly raise the heels to the height of the knees. Keep knees bent as you feel how this variation is for your lower back
3. If the spine easily stays tall and the back is comfortable, slowly release the legs reaching arms forward. Keep your chest open and broad. If the unsupported version feels strong and steady, slowly lengthen legs diagonally up without rounding into the low back
4. To exit the pose, take one final inhale, and then exhale lowering the feet softly to the ground. Cross the legs, take a few slow breaths and sit in stillness feeling the energy of boat
• For an easier variation, keep knees bent and hold back of knees
• For extended leg variation, lengthen legs as you hold onto the back of the knees or thighs
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