Best yoga poses for weight loss
Yoga is great form of exercise for weight loss as it not only burns calories but also improves flexibility, strength, and mental well-being.
Here are the best yoga poses for weight loss:
Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar): A series of 12 poses that can help improve circulation, increase flexibility, and burn calories.
Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II): This pose strengthens the legs, hips, and arms and can also help improve digestion.
Boat Pose (Navasana): This pose engages the core muscles and helps to burn belly fat.
Plank Pose (Phalakasana): This pose strengthens the core, arms, and legs, aposture.
Tree Pose (Vrikshasana): This pose improves balance and strengthens the legs, and can also help improve focus and concentration.
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana): This pose strengthens the glutes and lower back muscles and can help to tone the body.
Camel Pose (Ustrasana): This pose helps to stretch the entire front of the body, including the chest, abs, and hip flexors, and can help to improve digestion.
It's important to note that while yoga is helpful for weight loss, it should be combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise for the best results.