Therapeutic yoga – harmony of body and mind is a system 0f self treatment of diseases and ailments for long life and health due to faulty ways of living, bad habits and lack of knowledge ‘Ayurveda’ – Ayu and Veda – means science of life . Ashtang ( Ashta means eight and anga means limbs ), yoga has the eight fold paths Yama,Niyama,Asana, Pranayama,Pratyahara,Dharma, Dhyana and Samadhi .
Yamas refer to Ahinsa ( Non –Violence), Satya (Truth), Asteya ( Non–stealing), Brahmacharya (self– control ) and Aparigraha (Unselfishness) .Niyama refers to personal disciplines and includes saucha (cleanliness), santosha (contentment), Tapas (great effort), svadhyaya (self –study ) and Ishvara pranidhana 9 faith in God ). Asana means posture. Pranayama means breath control. Dharma means concentration .Dhyana means meditation and Samadhi of kaivalya is the gold of yoga where in the yogic units with God. By these eight– fold path a male of female gets health of body and control over his\her mind when he of she becomes wise and compassionate. For children, however only the first three steps of yoga : Yma Niyama and Asana are important. These steps prepare a child for the higher steps of yoga which they can practice when the are older .
Important Dos and Don’ts
Place: Asanas should be practiced in a clean, airy and well lit room with leveled floor. If it is not possible to practice indoors, you may practice on level ground outdoors at a calm place having clean environments.
Time: The best time to practice asanas is in the morning before breakfast or in the evening before dinner.
Food: Do not practice asanas immediately after eating. Let two to four hours after having meal, and wit at least one or two hours after eating a snack.
Requirements: all you require for Yoga is mat or a folded blanket.
Cleanliness: Take a bath if possible, and go to the toilet before you begin your practice. Do not wear whose or socks while doing the asanas.
Sickness: Do not practice yogic exercises. When you are sick, you must rest. If, however, you have a minute problem such as a cold, a cough, a headache, a stomach ache, a sprained ankle, etc. then seek the guidance of your yoga teacher. Yoga can help relive such problems.
Female & Children Practitioners: Never do upside down poses such as Shirsha-asana, Sarcanga-asana, Adho Mukha Vriksha-asana, etc when you have your menstrual period. You may do all other poses with the consultation of your teacher. Children below 8 years will not be able to accurately perform asanas such as Shirshasana, Sarvanga-asana, Hala-asana and Karna-pida-asana because such as Shirshasana, Sarvanga-asana, Hala-asana and Karna-pida asana because their bodies have to develop. Do not force or tease the ages of five and eight can also do some asanas. However, they are too young to pracity to do many dynamic movements either. However, it is true that these little children are very supple and elastic but at this tender age their suppleness, and elasticity should not be taxed. Little children lack muscular strength. A Yoga class of 20 or 25 minutes duration becomes too long for them. They should be permitted to playfully and casually learn a few easy postures. Little children should be permitted to grow naturally.
Adolescents: Adolescence is the stage between childhood and maturity: between the ages twelve and twenty usually called ad teenage. During this period, around the age of fourteen, a child reaches puberty, reproductive capability- when remarkable biological changes occur in spurts, outstripping psychological growth. The endocrinal glands undergo important changes and their enhanced functioning stimulates new patterns of growth and evolution. During this period yoga helps child to the advancing puberty and thereafter to direct and channel the energy of youth. The Psychological Importance of Yoga asanas for Adolescents include improved circulation vital to the proper functioning of the body, nourishing, stimulating and maintaining the vital balance of the endocrinal glands which govern growth and development of the body, help establishing a regular and easy menstrual cycle, improve functions such as digestion and respiration so that there is more energy available for the growing child or a teenager, increase the supply of fresh blood to the brain thus enhancing the mental capacity, strengthen the nerves whereby the endurance capacity improves, promote proper structural development by working the joints. Yoga asanas help a child to become self controlled and less prone to extremes of behavior occurring during adolescence by regulating endocrinal glands, check excessive aggression and excitability through the regulation of the adrenal glands, correct brooding and melancholy in girls by regulating pituitary and pineal functions and check laziness and lethargy.
Timings: Perform each asana repeatedly two or a three before going on the next one.
What to wear?: Women usually ask this question. Yoga and Pranayama in the open, the clothing should be sufficient to protect the body from cold. Whereas, in pleasant weather while practicing in a room, an underwear will be sufficient. In summer season, short cloth may be enough. Remember there should be no feeling of discomfort due to too slight or too many clothes. The modern “yogic gurus” are of the opinion of having complete ban over sex, taking tea or coffee or non-vegetarian food.
Breathing: Don’t force yourself to breathe deeply or to hold your breath while doing the asanas. Breathe normally while doing the asanas. Always breathe through the nose.
Yoga mind: Always be alert attentive and watchful when you practice. Concentrate on your own pose. Watch your teachers carefully and attention to their instructions.
Few tips: Perform yoga postures at a clam place. There should not be even sound of music. Do not speak when performing a yoga posture. There should be no mental tension while doing a asana. Do not over-exert your body. Practisize yoga not more than 45 minutes in winter and 30 minutes in summer. In case you want to perform yoga practice in two sessions, there should be gap of eight hours between the two.
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